Haylee Whitlock
5 min readJan 16, 2021


Like all good environmentalists, seeking out ways to reduce waste is a top priority. Sure, we can recycle plastic bottles all day long, but it’s not fool proof. What happens to our recycled goods once the city’s waste management crew scoops it from our sidewalks?

Plethora of Plastic

The cost of processing these post-consumer plastics is high, high enough that a majority of our waste has been shipped to China over the past decades. That was until “China notified the World Trade Organization in July 2017 of its intention to ban the import of 24 different kinds of waste, including some post-consumer plastics, beginning January 2018” (Ocean Conservancy). Now these ships, piled high with plastic, needed to find a new home.

Humans stamp on nature: plastic bottles.

The scraps have since been redirected to other SouthEast Asian countries such as Vietnam, Thailand and Indonesia. These countries, who already struggle with waste management internally, have seen up to a 100% increase of plastic scrap imports. Without the proper resources, and an overwhelming amount of plastic, these countries have contributed “more than half of the eight million metric tons of plastic waste that enters the ocean annually from land” (Ocean Conservatory). This information is not casual, it’s catastrophic.

Recycling is necessary, and better than sending to a landfill. But… as stewards of the Earth, we have to change. We have traded countless innocent creatures in the name of convenience.

We must say no to single-use plastics. All the creatures of land and sea shout, “Aye!”

Say “no” to single use-plastics. Every! Single! Time!

Finding Solutions

The innovation of eco-friendly products is in full-swing as the market for zero-waste products is on the rise. Bars of soap, shampoo bars, reusable make-up towels, dryer balls, waxed food containers, and toothpaste tabs are making it on the shelves at the local Walmart. These products are incredible, but do not span the entire spectrum of cleaning products.

Shampoo and body wash with little to no packaging. Smells great, too!

For a marketing class project, we were asked to come up with innovative ideas that align with our passions. Our team brainstormed. What if we could create a business that allowed customers to bring in their own bottles and fill them with quality products. This way, consumers would know they are getting safe products without having to physically buy a new bottle. After considering all the logistics, the costs and products offered, it seemed like a doable concept.

A short week later, I was antique shopping in a small suburb of my city when… BOOM! Right before my eyes was the incarnation of my dream business. “Ecotastic” read the overhead sign with detailed steps plastered on the window front.

Happy for guilt-free, healthy shopping.

How It Works

It is insanely simple. All you need is an empty-ish bottle of any size, color, or shape that you have lying around the house. Once you walk in the door, you will be asked to weigh your package on a scale and record the weight on a provided sticker. You can then peruse the store for a plethora of products to fill your needs. This specific fill-up station offers 100% non-toxic beauty and household products. These products are all-natural, leaving behind the nasty sulfates, silicone, parabens and ethers that pollute a lot of drug-store products (Ecotastic).

Personal hygiene products they carry include: shampoo, conditioner, body wash (for children and babies, too!), body lotion, face cream, face wash, beard oil, toothpaste tablets, shaving cream and even products for your pets!

So many products, we have to smell each one, of course!

Household cleaning products they carry include: dish soap, all-purpose cleaner, hand soap, castile soap, laundry detergent, bleach alternatives, dishwasher detergent, wood floor cleaner, auto interor cleaner, stainless steal cleaner, glass cleaner, hand sanitizer and spot carpet cleaner (Ecotastic).

Each product has options to meet your specific preference. All major hygiene and cleaning supplies come in a variety of essential oil scents from lavender lime to jasmine clementine (or unscented, if you’re into that.) They even have soaps for specific needs. I opted for the peppermint-scented, zinc shampoo that is specifically formulated for people with a dry scalp. The product works wonders for me. I am in love with all my products, but especially my new concentrated lavender laundry detergent. I wash my sheets much more often.

You can buy dish detergent in liquid, powder or pod form! So many choices.

It takes effort, but so, so worth it. I enjoy being able to use as much product as I want, guilt-free. I am grateful to have the power to choose health-conscious, quality products and not contribute to the massive island of plastic floating through the ocean. For me, it will always be worth the extra errand, and I will make it a part of my routine for the rest of my life. I can’t wait for a future with an Eco Fill-Up Station in every small town across the world. IT IS possible, and for that, I am hopeful.


Ecotastic — https://ecotasticok.com/aboutourproducts.html

Ocean Conservancy — https://oceanconservancy.org/blog/2018/06/06/know-plastic-goes/?ea.tracking.id=20HPXGJAXX&gclid=CjwKCAiAl4WABhAJEiwATUnEFxLYKQkRM60PydcrH-yyy7uEdj9hWiIG1k30POg6llplavYO1aVOnRoCuhUQAvD_BwE

